Brush up on German vocabulary and grammar skills.
Virtual Breathe Together with Charyl
Learn techniques to help you bring yourself greater inner peace. You will be registered for the series when you register for the first time.
For ages 2-5. A toddler-and-me session that blends nature, art, and sensory experiences.
A social work intern from Stony Brook University's Healthy Libraries Program will be available to meet with patrons. Call (631) 727-3228 ext. 301 to schedule an appointment.
Conversational French and Culture
Join France Landro to practice French conversational skills, brush up on grammar skills and learn about French culture.
Volunteer in our LEGO Club to help littles build their creations. Participants will earn 1 hour of community service.
Get your brick on! Build your own creations or build as a team!
Writer's Workshop: The Fiction Factory
Write a fiction piece at home, then bring your work to meetings to share in a seminar style discussion.